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asked March 13th 2013

Tyre birthday cake

Do you know where to get a tyre mould to make a cake that looks like a car tyre?


Hi Chic1313

There are lots of images in google on how to make tyre shaped cakes and how to make the tread. Here is one of the ‘how to’ http://batemansbakes.blogspot.co.uk/2011/11/how-to-make-tyre-cake.html, which shows tread making without embossers. There are many more to peruse for guidance. Hope this is helpful.


Here is one that I made using a very similar method to the tutorial above. It turned out really well ) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=377095749041700&set=pb.152476391503638.-2207520000.1363682686&type=3&theater


Google tyre cake mould there is a very good embosser for the sides of a round cake


Thank you for your help.

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