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asked June 4th 2017

VAT classes – Query on whether to charge VAT on cakes

VAT classes – Query on whether to charge VAT on cakes

Hi there, I’m new and I’ve been trying to find the ‘Ask David’ section to ask about paying/charging VAT on classes. I’ve seen conflicting info online about ifvyou gave assisrants and so on, so I’m really confused. If anyone can refer me to the link or give me the info I need I’d really appreciate it. I have Pro membership. Thank you!


VAT classes – Query on whether to charge VAT on cakes

Hi there, I’m new and I’ve been trying to find the ‘Ask David’ section to ask about paying/charging VAT on classes. I’ve seen conflicting info online about ifvyou gave assisrants and so on, so I’m really confused. If anyone can refer me to the link or give me the info I need I’d really appreciate it. I have Pro membership. Thank you!


If you have Assistants that should read!


Hi Baymax

David can be contacted directly by emailing him on [email protected]

Hope this helps.


Wonderful response! Thank you 🙂


You are welcome! 🙂


Quick summary would be that courses are VAT-able so if you are registered for VAT then you need to charge VAT. However, speak to your accountant, but you can open a separate business to run your courses, which you would trade under the VAT threshold (around £85k pa), that way you avoid having to charge VAT. All Pro members are welcome to contact me at [email protected]

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