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asked August 17th 2012

Videos – How come the videos aren’t very long

Videos – How come the videos aren’t very long?

How come the videos aren’t very long? Looked at blue nosed teddy and doesn’t seem in a lot of detail. Guess I’m not understanding how the site works fully


Videos – How come the videos aren’t very long?

How come the videos aren’t very long? Looked at blue nosed teddy and doesn’t seem in a lot of detail. Guess I’m not understanding how the site works fully


Hi cadburymoon

Could it be that you are just looking at the overview? If you go back to the tutorial you will see three headings, overview, tutorial notes and course lessons, click on course lessons and a menu will appear on the right hand side showing each lessons for the teddy cake. You should be able to play each lesson to the end.


Hi I thought that but can see the three headings.  I clicked on playlist at the right hand side and voila I can now see the different stages.

You’re a star ‘madeitwithlove’; I could be in for a long night. Many many thanks for your help.


We’ve all done the same! Now ENJOY!!!!


Thanks madeitwithlove.

It’s a bit confusing at the minute we are looking into how to make this more clear in the future.

Paul Doffman

Customer support


Hi Paul perhaps if the tab flashed it would prompt folks and once clicked on all will be revealed….then……they will be hooked like me as I have spent all weekend on here and now buzzing with inspiration, thank you all x

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