Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked April 24th 2015

Vs beetle cake

I see a 10″ square cake tin should be used. As I usually use 2 8″ when making sponges could you tell me what recipe Paul uses for the cake. I’m just unsure about the quantity of ingredients for that size of cake. Thank you


I see a 10″ square cake tin should be used. As I usually use 2 8″ when making sponges could you tell me what recipe Paul uses for the cake. I’m just unsure about the quantity of ingredients for that size of cake. Thank you


Hello carbarns 37

Recipes can be converted for different size pans here:
Use either tool in link, they’re both easy to use. However if you prefer not to do the maths it may be easier to use the cakeometre.
If you are using Paul’s moist chocolate cake recipe, the whole recipe fits into a 10″ square tin.
Hope this helps. if you need further information or help, please post again.


Thank you very much. The cakeometre was a great help.


You’re welcome!

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