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asked August 1st 2013

Web links

Hi! Some members often give links to web sites. Is there any possibility that these links can be made active?


Hi! Some members often give links to web sites. Is there any possibility that these links can be made active?


Hi clan

If you highlight the link then right click it will give you the option to ‘open link’ click and it will take you straight there. Hope this helps. x


MIWL – can’t seem to do it on iPad 🙁


Must be a way, I’ll have a go on mine in the morning and let you know. x


Hi clan

I have an iphone not ipad, so confusing! However I believe if you highlight the text and right click or perhaps double click you should get ‘copy’, try that and see if it helps. There is also information on google if you search ‘how to copy and paste on an ipad’. I hope you can sort it out. xx

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