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Wedding cake – double height fruit cake
I am making my first wedding cake this week and i am baking two 8” fruit
cakes and stacking them together and two 6” fruit cakes and stacking
those together to make a double height cake.
I was going to stick the two 8” cakes together with apricot jam but
wondered whether I should dowel the two 8” cakes and 6” cakes together
before I marzipan them or after before I cover them in fondant?
I hope that makes sense!
Your advice would be much appreciated.
Many thanks
I am making my first wedding cake this week and i am baking two 8” fruit
cakes and stacking them together and two 6” fruit cakes and stacking
those together to make a double height cake.
I was going to stick the two 8” cakes together with apricot jam but
wondered whether I should dowel the two 8” cakes and 6” cakes together
before I marzipan them or after before I cover them in fondant?
I hope that makes sense!
Your advice would be much appreciated.
Many thanks
Hi Natalie
Yes, the cakes can be stuck together with boiled apricot jam and they will also need to be dowelled to keep them from slipping around. Please take a peek at elements from the following answer
…. little tips to fill the little holes made by the fruit and fill in any gapping at the bottom of the cake with marzipan so all surfaces are flush and smooth before covering. Let me know if this makes sense or if you need more information. 🙂
Thank you for your prompt reply.
Thats great, yes all makes sense thank you ?
Many thanks
Thanks for letting me know Natalie. ?