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asked April 14th 2013

Wet Spatula Trick

Hi there,
In the tutorial, ‘covering a square cake’, when Paul smooths down the ganache, he dips his spatula in hot water, shakes it, and then puts it straight on the cake. But everyone that I’ve seen do that, has always warned the viewers NOT to put it straight on the cake, but rather to dry the spatula off first. How is right??


Hi there,
In the tutorial, ‘covering a square cake’, when Paul smooths down the ganache, he dips his spatula in hot water, shakes it, and then puts it straight on the cake. But everyone that I’ve seen do that, has always warned the viewers NOT to put it straight on the cake, but rather to dry the spatula off first. How is right??


Hi MissBaker13, I made a cake for Easter with white chocolate ganache and sugarpaste. I did exactly as Paul does in the tutorial, and it was okay. After smooting I put the cake back in the fridge to re-set amd repeated the process until I had a perfectly smooth cake (well, nearly smooth!!) The ganache tasted okay, and there was no discolouration, so I would do the same again. Hope this helps you.
David – MegABakes


Hello MissBaker13

It’s fine to use a hot wet spatula while ganaching a cake. There isn’t enough water on the spatula/palette knife to seize the chocolate if that is your concern.

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