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asked March 15th 2020

What kind of sugar

I’m having trouble getting golden caster to make Pauls chocolate cake will ordinary caster work just as well ?


I’m having trouble getting golden caster to make Pauls chocolate cake will ordinary caster work just as well ?


Hi Sandra

Yes, you can use ordinary caster sugar. That’s what I do if I run out of the golden. I’ve also used light brown sugar which gives it a lovely caramel taste. Stay safe 🙂


Thank you for your prompt response I will use caster sugar as I have plenty of that in stock. Let’s hope things soon improve as all the baking supplies were very depleted in my local supermarket this morning


I hope so too Sandra. There’s a shortage of everything. I went for bread flour today , something which barely moves off the shelves, but even that was stripped! Apparently people are queuing up for the supermarket to open at 7.30 and the shelves are stripped by 9 o’clock. I really don’t understand the mentality. It must be very unsettling for anyone in business let alone when it’s home based patisserie.

Please take care of yourself first and foremost. ?. X

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