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When to make Santa Claus
The Santa Claus cake is going to take a while. How far in advance can I start making him? I have to make it for a party on Sunday morning and I am running out of time, could I start Thursday night?
The Santa Claus cake is going to take a while. How far in advance can I start making him? I have to make it for a party on Sunday morning and I am running out of time, could I start Thursday night?
Hi sandilee123
Yes you can start it on Thursday, you have plenty of time. If you’re making a sponge cake the shelf life is approx 5 days for maximum freshness. In reality if the cake is stored in a cool, clean environment the cake tastes and feels good even after 7 days. Madeira cake has shelf life of 2 weeks from baking to eating and mud cake or Paul’s moist chocolate cake can be good for over a week. If you’re using ganache this blog might be of help:
Hope this helps, good luck with Santa!