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asked May 14th 2023

What is the best way to get white buttercream?

Hi what is the best way to get white buttercream please for wedding cake
I have heard of purple colouring
Mixture trex/ butter


Hi what is the best way to get white buttercream please for wedding cake
I have heard of purple colouring
Mixture trex/ butter


Hi Alicain

Begin with using the lightest colour butter you can find. Most people recommend Lurpak as it is much paler than other brands. However, it is quite a bit more expensive unless you look out for special offers. Beat the butter with a paddle beater until it becomes very pale and fluffy. Avoid using the whisk because whisking incorporates too much air into the buttercream making it difficult for smooth covering.

Adding a tiny dot of purple will give the buttercream a whiter appearance. You’d need to be really careful as even a touch too much could achieve the opposite effect. Take a peek at the following link for tutorial:


I don’t recommend using Trex as it will give a greasy mouth feel and tastes pretty awful.

Adding food whitener can also help. There are several brands available which you can see by doing a quick Google search.

Hope these suggestions help.

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