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asked April 16th 2017

Will it keep fresh

I baked a 10″ X 4″ deep fruit cake on Friday , steeped the fruit in brandy for 48 hours previously, once cake was baked I’ve poured brandy over, covered in double grease proof paper and double foil put it into a cardboard box, so I know I’ve done all that correct ! My question is will it keep until I need to cover in marzipan and icing in July ? I’ve made many a wedding fruit cake in the past but not kept it as long before. it was my mistake baking it this early I thought wedding was in June senior moment !!
I intend feeding the cake with brandy at regular intervals, can someone put my mind at ease please,.
Thank you.


I baked a 10″ X 4″ deep fruit cake on Friday , steeped the fruit in brandy for 48 hours previously, once cake was baked I’ve poured brandy over, covered in double grease proof paper and double foil put it into a cardboard box, so I know I’ve done all that correct ! My question is will it keep until I need to cover in marzipan and icing in July ? I’ve made many a wedding fruit cake in the past but not kept it as long before. it was my mistake baking it this early I thought wedding was in June senior moment !!
I intend feeding the cake with brandy at regular intervals, can someone put my mind at ease please,.
Thank you.


Hi Lorraineau

Oh yes, it will certainly keep! Have it well wrapped as you have done and store it in a cool place. Continue with a little dribble of alcohol every now and then and stop feeding it about two weeks before required. This is to ensure it is dry on the surface ready for decorating. The cake will be beautifully matured. The fiberous texture of the fruit will have broken down, the flavours developed to make a beautiful moist tasty cake. Fruit cakes, if stored correctly will keep for years!! You’ve done the correct thing by baking early. Lots more information on fruit cakes if you type ‘fruit cake’ in the search box. 🙂

ps: when you feed the cake, alternate the sides each time so it is fed evenly.


Thank you madeitwithlove
Ive made many a fruit cake but for some reason I was a bit unsure Ive kept them for 8 weeks before but not as long as this will need to be kept, I can now stop worrying ! Yes I will alternate top and bottom of cake whilst feeding it, thank you for putting my mind at ease much appreciated. Enjoy Easter x


Three months maturing time is what is normally recommended for a moist fruit cake. I expect you already know not to let the foil come into contact with the cake to prevent any acidic reaction between the two. Hope all goes well, relax and enjoy your Easter tide.

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