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Hi, help needed!
I’ve been asked to make a bus cake for a 50th birthday. I’m still very much an enthusiastic novice. Does anyone have any suggestions for making the windows?
Hi, help needed!
I’ve been asked to make a bus cake for a 50th birthday. I’m still very much an enthusiastic novice. Does anyone have any suggestions for making the windows?
Hi Jacqui
There’s a couple of answers here which may help:
You could also use a little piping gel, spread it out with a cocktail stick so it covers the window area. Disadvatage with piping gel is it never dries off completely.
The above are quick and easy solutions, you could also use isomalt or melted fox’s glacier mints but this will take time and the end result may contain tiny air bubbles. See a dicussion on making sugar glass here:
Hope this helps.
Thank you. I’ve tried mints before when I did a frozen cake, but came out with air bubbles.
I don’t know anything about isomalt – will investigate.
Thanks again.
If you google ‘gelatine art by a piece of cake Utah’ you’ll see the demonstrator showing how to make thin sheets of gelatine which can be used for making windows. Hope it helps.
Thanks for that, madeitwithlove.
I’ve watched the videos and think I’ll have a go. In the video, she said the gelatine doesn’t taste that good.
Can anyone tell me – Is it bad enough that I would need to remove before eating, or is it just tasteless?
The panels are so thin that really the taste will be diminished by all the sweetness of the cake. It’s more or less tasteless, it just feels a bit gummy in the mouth. What you could do is ask the person cutting the cake to remove the windows before serving.
My latest wedding cake had lots of cake lace over it, it doesn’t taste at all good so I asked the cake cutter to remove it. It takes seconds to do it behind the scenes once the cake has been ooo and aahd over!
Each person will be receiving such a tiny piece of the gelatine that I don’t think they will even notice. Hope it all goes well!