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Xmas fruit cake
Has anybody used cake release on baking pans for a rich fruit cake. I will be baking at a low heat and wonder would I get away without lining? I would appreciate any help on this question.
Many thanks.
Has anybody used cake release on baking pans for a rich fruit cake. I will be baking at a low heat and wonder would I get away without lining? I would appreciate any help on this question.
Many thanks.
Hi Pduffy
It’s really not recommended to put fruit cake batter into unlined tins even if the cake is being baked on low.
Fruit burns very quickly, it will stick to the tin and you’ll end up with a hard cake. You could line the side and underneath of the tin from the outside if you don’t want to line the inside. It would be necessary to use several thicknessnes of brown paper in order to protect the cake from burning. Grease and flour the cake tin before pouring in the batter. Hope this helps.
Thanks a mill.