Hi again! I’m making the white chocolate shard cake next week and when making the white chocolate Ganache I was wondering what type of cream I should be using? Also,…
Search Results for: ganache
white chocolate ganache consistancy
…just made white chocolate ganache for the first time and used ratio 3:1 however it is very thick compared to my dark chocolate ganache. Is this right? Thank you 🙂…
Mrs jones and chocolate ganache
Hi fellow Cakers I was wondering whether anyone has made mrs Jones vanilla cake with chocolate ganache. Reason I’m asking is a bride who wants a plain vanilla wants a…
Making white ganache for covering cakes
I hope someone can help me out with this little problem that I am having, I have trying to no avail to make white ganache to cover my cake as…
How long will chocolate ganache keep once on a cake?
Hi, I just watched Paul’s chocolate ganache tutorial and he says it will keep for 2-3 months in the fridge but I’m wondering how long it will keep once on…
Hi all! Just a quick question…I’ve never had trouble making ganache before, but the last two times I’ve made it have been disastrous! I made some white chocolate ganache last…
What are the measurements of the ganache recipe?
*this was originally posted in “will ganache stiffen up?” by Sam Hi Paul, I just found your website.. I love it!! I was just wondering and I don’t mean to…
How long can Chocolate Ganache keep in a fridge?
How long can Chocolate Ganache keep in a fridge? Can you tell methrow long you can keep Ganache for in the fridge,and how long you can freeze it for.Thanks…
chocolate ganache melting under fondant icing.
hi, i covered my fruit cake in chocolate ganache and placed it in the freezer to set. it did however when i brought it out for icing, it made my…
Chocolate ganache in the fridge
I made a chocolate ganache after watching your video and put it in the fridge. It was so firm I had to put it in the microwave. I made a…
Can you use Buttercream on top of Chocolate ganache?
Can you use Buttercream on top of Chocolate ganache? Can you use buttercream frosting over the ganache coating…
ganache filling that actually stays soft ?
I have a ganache dilema , for all those out there in the uk , if I am using the ganache 2:1 ratio how does that stay soft as a…
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