Search Results for: ganache

Freezing ganache cakes

I’m wanting to get ahead making some cakes . If I fill and cover a cake in ganache, then cover in sugar paste, can I freeze the whole cake? Also,…

double cream for ganache

hi i am making a cake for the 28th june and am making ganache for masking. my cream has a date of 19th june. surely if i make it now…

Will ganache stiffen up?

hi i’ve made chocolate ganache for the first time today its in the fridge – it looks pretty runny – once cooled does it stiffen up? Do I then just…

Baby blue coloured ganache

Hi having difficulty making baby blue coloured ganache I am getting green any suggestions please and what colouring gel would you use for baby shower .I’m using Lidl white choc…

when to freeze white choc ganache

when is it best to freeze white choc ganache? once it has emulsified or when its set up? also when i thaw it out and bring to workeable consistency.. can…

lemon flavoured ganache

Looking to make a lemon flavoured white chocolate ganache to cover a lemon madeira.Any ideas??…

Colour of ganache

Would milk chocolate ganache show through ivory sugarpaste? Thank you