Tutorial Preview
1. Making the rose pt 1
Natalie shows us how to make and add the first two rows of petals to make up the rose using her very own Rapid Rose support pad. A great little invention that as you will see will make your life a lot simpler
2. Making the rose pt 2
Natalie shows us how to make our petals.
3. Making the leaves
In this lesson, Natalie shows us how to make the leaves using very quick and simple techniques that give great results.
4. Making the Berries and Buds
Natalie now shows us how to make the berries and buds for our cake.
5. Dusting the leaves
Natalie now gets some lovely dusts out and shows us how to bring the leaves to life. It’s amazing what can be achieved with a single brush just by using different techniques and areas of the brush.
6. Dusting the Rose, Buds and Berries
Here, Natalie brings it all to life using various dusts and gives some great tips along the way to make life easier.
7. lesson-7-putting-it-together
Natalie now arranges the spray using florist tape and an artistic eye. We see the importance of “less is more” with Natalie deciding not to use every leaf and berry.
8. Dusting the purple rose
In this lesson, Natalie dusts the rose that will be used on the single tier cake and uses a beautiful lemon gold dust for the buds and leaves.
9. Putting it altogether
Natalie assembles the beautiful purple rose on the single tier cake.
10. Making the hydrangea leafs
Natalie now shows us how to make the hydrangea leaves for our cake.
11. Dusting the flowers
Natalie brings it all to life using various dusts and gives some great tips along the way to make life easier. In this lesson you will see the importance of making extras
12. Arranging the flowers on the cake
Natalie now demonstrates her artistic eye and arranges the flowers beautifully on the cake. Unfortunately there’s no formula for arranging the flowers but simply a case of building it up slowly and stepping back and placing them with consideration. Less is always more.
13. Other Ideas
Natalie shares with us some other ideas you could do with the techniques learned from this tutorial.
14. Pro Lesson
Natalie shares the time, cost and retail price for this type of cake.
15. Highlights
We take a look at some of the highlights from this video.
Rapid Rose Cake Tutorial with Natalie Porter
For this week’s tutorial. The talented Natalie Porter from Immaculate Confections shows us how to make this rapid rose cake.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to…
- Make and add edible petals
- Work with dusts to bring your cakes to life
- Make hydrangea leaves
- Make edible berries and buds
- Much, much more
Don’t forget to share your interpretations of this wonderful cake with Paul and rest of the Sugarcraft community on our Facebook group.
Who knows? You may even end up featured in one of our monthly members’ cake blogs.